Yes, you can use MiniIDE's assembler with any HC12 (or HC11) processor and any evaluation board.
No. Especially if you expect any direct or indirect capital gain, you may not distribute, sell, or otherwise make copies of MiniIDE. Please see the MiniIDE license for details. However, you are welcome to point your customers to our website. You do not need a distribution license if you don't intend to distribute MiniIDE outside your organization.
The menu option "download into flash" is only valid if you set up your EVB in bootload mode. (For the M68EVB912B32: Change jumper W3+W4 settings to bootload mode, reset board, message (P)rogram Flash, (E)rase EEPROM or so appears, choose download into EEPROM or Flash and download s-record). You can not use the load command in DBUG12 and try to download into Flash or EEPROM.
The asm11 assembler requires a semicolon in front of a comment. If you want to assemble an old source file be sure to check the 'compatibility mode' box and set the warning level to 3 (see Build->Options, or -mc -W3 at the command line).
Well, this was really an IQ test - just kidding, read on...
You are probably trying to assemble HC11 source code with the HC12 assembler. Make sure that you have set the tool 'Assembler' in Build->Options->Tools to "asm11.exe". It is set to "asm12.exe" by default. If you really think you found a bug, see the next topic.
If there is a bug in the IDE, we will need to know the type of operating system (e.g. Windows 98 SE), and detailed instructions on how to reproduce the bug. If you think there's a bug in the assembler (i.e. the assembler generated wrong object code), we will need a code snippet that shows this problem. If you think there's a bug with the terminal, try using Windows HyperTerminal. If that does not work either, you probably have a problem with your lab-setup.
BTW, do not expect a reply to a problem report like the one that Joe D. sent me the other day: "Help! I cannot get the terminal window to work. Thanks, Joe".
Probably both assemblers. Depending on the optimization with forward-references the produced object code may differ in length. Due to the multi-pass technique in the latest version of MiniIDE the produced object code may be even smaller.
A multi-pass assembler means that the number of passes the assembler goes through the code is not limited to two. If there are no forward references, the assembler will do only one pass. A second pass is necessary to resolve forward references. If there are still forward references or object code changes, the assembler will do an additional pass as long as all forward reference are resolved. With this technique the assembler is able to produce always the most efficient form of object code. There is no need for the operators < (zero-page addressing) and > (extended addressing), however, you can still force the addressing mode using these operators.
You can send control characters by holding down the SHIFT key, i.e. CTRL+SHIFT+A.