Use this property page to change the appearance of the toolbar of the help project. This property page applies to HTML Help 1.0 projects only.

Toolbar properties

No toolbar
Select this option to hide the help browser toolbar.
No text on toolbar buttons
Select this option to hide the text from the toolbar buttons.

Toolbar buttons

Select this option to display the Hide/Show button in the toolbar. This button is used to show or hide the navigation pane.
Select this option to display the Locate button in the toolbar. This button is used to synchronize the current topic page with the table of contents in the navigation pane.
Select this option to display the Previous button in the toolbar. This button is used to navigate to the topic page that sequentially precedes the current page in the index.
Select this option to display the Next button in the toolbar. This button is used to navigate to the topic page that sequentially follows the current page in the index.
Select this option to display the Back button in the toolbar. This button is used to navigate to the last page you viewed.
Select this option to display the Forward button in the toolbar. This button is used to navigate to the page you viewed before clicking the Back button.
Select this option to display the Stop button in the toolbar. This button is used to stop the loading of the current page.
Select this option to display the Refresh button in the toolbar. This button is used to refresh the content of the current page.
Select this option to display the Home button in the toolbar. This button is used to navigate to the Home page.
Select this option to display the Print button in the toolbar. This button is used to print the current page.
Select this option to display the Options button in the toolbar. This button is used to change options of the help viewer.
Select this option to display the Zoom button in the toolbar. This button is used to change the font size of the help viewer. Note, that this will also effect the font size shown in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Jump 1
Select this option to display the Jump 1 button in the toolbar. This button is used to jump to a user-defined page. Enter the button text in the description field and the jump-page in the link page.
Jump 2
Select this option to display the Jump 2 button in the toolbar. This button is used to jump to a user-defined page. Enter the button text in the description field and the jump-page in the link page.

See Also

Project Editor Dialog Box | Windows, Project Editor Dialog Box