General, Project, Project Editor Dialog Box |
Use this property page to change the help system and the theme of the current help project.
User-Defined (Experts only)
Select this option to generate a help system other than HTML Help 1.0 and Microsoft Help 2.0. The ‘User-Defined’ option requires a customized theme.
MGTEK Browser Help
Select this option to generate a help file that can be viewed in a web browser across the Internet, Intranet or on the local system. This help system is platform independent and can be viewed on any system.
Microsoft HTML Help 1.0
Select this option to generate a help file that is compatible with HTML Help 1.0 (.CHM files). HTML Help 1.0 is broadly available, and is a good choice in most cases.
Microsoft HTML Help 2.0
Select this option to generate a help file that is compatible with Microsoft Help 2.0 (.HxS files). Microsoft Help 2.0 is suitable for help files for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
The default filename for "HTML Help 1.0" is 'help.chm'
. The default filename for "Microsoft Help 2.0" is 'help.HxS'
Project Editor Dialog Box | Project, Project Editor Dialog Box