To add an index entry to any index, use the Help Producer AddKeyword field. The AddKeyword field can be used to add keywords to the following indexes:

In order to create "K", "A", or "F" index entries, Help Producer provides a convenient way to enter keywords through the Topic Properties dialog.

Tip   If you do not see the AddKeyword fields, press ALT+F9 to toggle the Show Field Codes flag.

Insert an index entry (all types of entries)

  1. Navigate to the topic you want to link to.
  2. Inside the topic, press CTRL+F9 to insert a field.
  3. Type '\HP AddKeyword Index, Keyword' without the quotes. Substitute Index with the name index. Valid indexes are K, A, F, and N (Named URL Index). Substitute Keyword with the name of the keyword.

Add "K", "A", or "F" index entries by using the Topic Properties dialog

  1. Right-click a topic heading, and click Topic Properties.
  2. Select the tab Keywords, A-Links, or F-Links.
  3. Enter one or more keywords in the keywords field. Enter one keyword per line.


Insert the following field to create an associative index entry 'mhpconTypesOfIndexes'.

Description: Index Entry

See Also

Indexing Documents