MGTEK Help Producer was designed to produce quality help manuals for a wide range of users. While every effort has been made to simplify the operation of Help Producer, priority was given to the needs of professional technical writers who produce help files with thousands of topic pages. Therefore, it may require some mastery before satisfactory conversion results can be achieved.

In this section, you will find suggestions on recommended formatting and formatting you should avoid in order to produce the acceptable conversion results, as well as tips and tricks for using Microsoft Word.

In This Section

Microsoft Word and HTML
Explains some of the fundamental differences between Microsoft Word and HTML.
Using Paragraph Spacing
Explains how to replace empty lines between paragraphs with automatic paragraph spacing.
Using Manual Page Breaks
Explains how to replace empty lines between pages with manual page breaks.
Aligning Text Using Tabs
Demonstrates how to use tabs to align text.
Avoid Two Spaces
Explains why you should avoid placing two space characters between sentences.

See Also

Inside Help Producer